Veolia Recycling Bear

Veolia Germany has commissioned me to create a Berliner Bear sculpture out of recycled plastic flakes - as a gift for a co-worker. This sounds easy, but the challenge was, which glue holds it all together? Not every glue: works with different types of plastic (especially recycled ones), dries fast, stays transparent and is easy to use. 
After several tests we found a solution: A special superglue and acrylic gel. We had a limited amount of time. However, thanks to the Modeling Artist Sana Schönle and help of Gosia Borowiec and Barbi Mlczoch (Cosmopola), we were able to finish the sculpture on time. 

Making of

Client: Veolia Germany
Concept: Cris Wiegandt
Modeling Artist: Sana Schönle
Crafts: Sana Schönle, Cris Wiegandt & Gosia Borowiec
Producer: Cosmopola

November 2017
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